Two Harbors Studio was established by artist Imero Gobbato, and continues on its mission of supporting and promoting imaginative, creative art-making under the direction of Rosemary Willson.
Imero Gobbato established Two Harbors Studio in the early 1970’s in Camden, Maine, after emigrating from Italy following WWII. He and his wife, Josette, searched for their home for some time before settling by the picturesque Camden Harbor, and it was there that Imero was able to build his first dedicated art studio. He named it Two Harbors Studio to connect it with his beloved Camogli, Italy, where at the age of 19 he briefly lived and painted after completing his art education. He hoped to remain there and establish himself as an artist, but the war dictated otherwise. The fact that both Camden and Camogli were beautiful, working-harbor villages, sitting on the same earthly latitude of 44 degrees north, and beginning with the letters ‘Cam’, formed his studio name.
As Rosemary Willson practiced her own art, she also spent years as Imero’s studio assistant, becoming deeply involved in his life and increasingly committed to his art—especially his imaginal world of Humbravana. Since Imero’s death in 2010, she is dedicated to the basic principles and philosophies of his life’s work, which continue to inspire and guide her own.
Hence Two Harbors Studio is now two artists, two bodies of work, and two hearts—deep in the mystery, dreaming of flying, and doing the necessary work.
Two Harbors Studio
Two Harbors Studio, located in the heart of Rockland, Maine, is the working studio of printmaker and textile artist Rosemary Willson and represents the art of Imero Gobbato.
The purpose of the studio is to support the artistic expression of both artists and their quest to promote the creative making process as a way towards self-realization and healing, and to continue to open and expand the power of creative imagination in the local and global community. This purpose is especially guided and inspired by the vision and values revealed by the collection of work describing Humbravana*.
Two Harbor Studio is a peaceful, inviting space open to the community by appointment or for special events supporting this mission.
*Insights and Values of Humbravana
The Purpose of Life is to Learn to Love
Be At One With and Respect Nature as the Gift of Life
Know Thyself
Practice Silence
Find Balance between the Feminine and Masculine
Compassion and Kindness are the Primary Motivations Towards Action
Accept the Dark as Equal to the Light
Acknowledge the Mystery